About Us

Pish Meat Goats includes:

Justin: Is a CNC Programmar by trade. Justin is also the local Goat Superintendent for the Branch County Fair.

Suzanne: Works for Michigan State University Extension as a Health and Nutrition Extension Educator. Suzanne is also very involved with the local fair and is a 4-H Organizational Leader for Kinderhook 4-H Club and the Superitendent over the Dairy Project.

Blaine: Is 10 years old and he enjoys playing sports and showing goats in the wether series in the summer.

Carter: Is 7 years old and enjoys playing sports and helping around the house.

In 2011 we added a new barn. This was the best addition to our operation. It stays cool in the summer, warm in the winter and lots of room for kidding. The front part is our 'office' area which includes a space for a little kitchen area and feed room.